Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Does anyone really have passion anymore or do most of us just seek to exist and be mediocre? I tend to be very off-putting (Yay for elaborate masquerades!) when people meet me because I'm so passionate about most everything. I've been told more times then I can count that I'm easily roused to excitement & that I'll be a leader in the inevitable revolution. I mean WTF guys, just because I have passion doesn't make me any different.. does it? Maybe that's why people find me "weird", they can't get past my passion, my love, my driving want to LIVE? So riddle me this, why isn't burning passion a "normal" trait in this faceless, blindfolded society we live in? Why does it set me apart? There was a time once, before big goverments when people actually had passions & trades that they lived for, but we, we just live for day to day. What about the other things out there other then the damned media, work & sleep?? What about just sitting in the middle of a storm and feeling the sting of the wind whiping the rain into your face, the sound of a bird calling in the early morning, the way a song feels when it strikes that chord in your heart, the way your soul threatens to destroy itself when you commit a grevious sin, the desperation of finding someone to love, the furthering of your own mind by exploring your thoughts? WHAT OF THAT? Why is it that the person who persues those fleeting moments, those small, insignificant, over looked moments with passion is considered odd. When did passion cease to be the norm and mediocraty begin to be acceptable?